Hollister officials were clear the ballot language was only a draft:
Hollister City Government Draft of Tourism Tax Legislation.
1. lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery); use of a position of trust for dishonest gain
The saga beginning with Messenger's sunshine request for e-mails from the Governor's office opened up Pandora's box. Here's an excerpt.
Around the time Blunt, Martin, and spokesman Rich Chrismer were publicly telling the press that e-mails are not public records, Eckersley says he was privately pointing Martin and anybody who would listen to the governor's e-mail retention policy. That policy says e-mails are public records and indicates a schedule for how long they are to be maintained — at least a year in most cases. It's clear from the public statements made by Martin, Chrismer and Blunt that the policy wasn't being followed.
Eckersley read the policy. He read the contradictory public statements. He didn't understand why nobody would listen to him.
Now he does. They didn't want to listen. Within weeks of pointing out the governor's own policy to those he worked with, Eckersley was shown the door by the governor's chief of staff.
"I kept pushing it," Eckersley says now. "There's no question in my mind that I was retaliated against as a result of that."
Through a spokeswoman, Martin refused to comment for this column, but the state has plenty to say about Eckersley and his firing in documents provided to the News-Leader.
The greatest threats to our safety are weapons of mass destruction. The spread of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons must be stopped. Claire says there must be no uncertainty about that goal.
North Korea, has been stockpiling nuclear weapons without so much as a glance from the current administration. Iran may now be close to producing a nuclear bomb. We cannot allow them to go any further. We must talk to the North Koreans if we are ever to get them to renounce their weapons and allow a verification system to assure their compliance.
Iran's nuclear capability, however, can still be prevented. Unchecked, it will create a domino effect that will be felt throughout the Middle East. An immediate and complete moratorium on their enrichment processes is needed. And it must be non-negotiable. Together with our world allies, we can convince Iran of their own best interest, using the threat of economic sanctions and the promise of world trade and investment. Claire believes they need to know our talks, if unsuccessful, will be followed not by rhetoric and reprisal, but by the full strength and force of the American military.
"It is ludicrous to believe that Missourians would want their taxpayer dollars paying to support illegal activity. I implemented a statewide ban on contractors who knowingly hire illegal workers and am confident our state is better served through this action.
"I am pleased to defend my executive order, which safeguards taxpayer dollars, with Sam's Janitorial Services in a courtroom or anywhere else. Missouri is benefiting from my directive which reflects my belief that it is inappropriate for Sam's Janitorial Services or any other state contractor to knowingly hire illegal workers."
The state's crackdown on illegal immigrants has led to 52 arrests in the first six weeks, with most caught in routine traffic stops.
More than half of those detained were passengers. One had a flat tire. Others were pulled over for speeding or failure to use a turn signal properly.
While many have hailed Gov. Matt Blunt's get-tough policy, critics say the Missouri Highway Patrol's even more aggressive strategy of checking residency during traffic stops could result in racial profiling.
If you're being told from on high that we're going to stop illegal immigration, law enforcement is going to look twice at someone who looks Hispanic," said Jorge Riopedre, secretary of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. "It's only human nature."more...
"With Washington failing to enact policies to enforce our federal immigration laws it is necessary for our state to take action. We support and welcome lawful immigrants into Missouri but will also continue to take a tough stand against illegal immigration in our state."
Police said they are treating this accident like any other, despite the high profile arrest.
"All accidents are handled the same," said Sgt. Dan Beckman of the Columbia Police Department. "I don't care who's involved in it. We're going to handle each accident the same. We're going to investigate it, find out what happened. We're going to issue the proper summonses if they need be, or we're going to make the proper arrests."
Starting this Monday night, the Public Comment portion of the regular Branson Board of Aldermen meeting will be at the beginning of the agenda, instead of at the end.
The Board two weeks ago approved an ordinance moving Public Comment to the front so citizens wanting to address aldermen on city-related issues would not have to sit through the business portion of the meeting, which many times extended past three hours.
People wanting to speak during Public Comment will still have to sign the sign-up sheet located at the front door of the council chambers prior to the start of the meeting.
Speakers will have five minutes for their comments that must pertain to issues the Board of Aldermen has jurisdiction. Following the speaker’s time, the Board has five minutes in which to respond or ask questions.
The Public Comment is time for citizens to speak on items not on the regular agenda.
Citizens who want to speak on a particular item on the official agenda do not have to sign the sign-up sheet. When agenda items come up for consideration by the Board, the mayor provides an opportunity for public input and comment.
Elected Local Government Official Lobbyist
An elected local government official lobbyist is any natural person employed specifically for the purpose of attempting to influence any action by a local government official elected in a county, city, town, or village with an annual operating budget of over ten million dollars.
4:2007cv01750 - Build-A-Bear Retail Management, Inc. et al
Filed in Missouri by Missouri Eastern District Court
Case Number: 4:2007cv01750
Missouri Eastern District Court
- Trademark
Filed: October 15, 2007
Plaintiff: Build-A-Bear Retail Management, Inc., Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc., The Bear Builders; Defendant: Monique Allen, The Bear Builders
Natural gas users can expect to spend an average of $78 more on winter heating, while propane users could be looking at a $221 average jump
Taney and Stone county commissioners have until Nov. 1 to appoint a
destination marketing organization to administer tourism dollars if
they want the matching tourism funds from the state.
The change in the co-op program of the Missouri Division of Tourism
requires that the three organizations currently receiving state
tourism money cease operations and that those entities will no longer
be able to receive the matching reimbursement funds from the program.
According to the executive director of the Missouri Division of
Tourism, Blaine Leutkemeyer, the change will better use marketing
dollars from the state and eliminate the overlap of multiple groups
marketing spending money to market to the same advertising areas.
The total state funds available for the co-op program is $3,450,000
for the fiscal year of 2008.
The following year will have $3.8 million. Luetkemeyer said his office
is committed to help grow the program and he wanted to clarify at the
meeting that the program is not a grant. Whichever organization is
appointed by the county commissioners will use tax dollars generated
in Taney County, spend those dollars on promotions and advertisement,
then send documentation to the MDT for a 50 percent reimbursement.