City of Branson - Missouri Legislative Agenda

Branson recently sent a Request For Proposal (RFP) in search of a lobbyist. The current plan is to consolidate the interests of other geo-political interests in the Tri-Lakes area to create a cohesive front. Exploration of the plan is a topic we will address in another article. The content below is a working document sent by Jerry Adams, Branson's Communications Director.

Branson opposes legislation that would lessen the effectiveness of Tax Increment Financing (TIF). (Mayor wants this priority re-written, but have not received any direction yet from her)

Uncontrolled development at the unincorporated fringes of cities is detrimental to health, safety and orderly urban development. Branson supports legislation that would give cities the ability to exercise the extraterritorial powers of planning, zoning, enforcement of building codes and regulation of subdivisions within adjacent unincorporated areas.

Branson opposes any legislation that restricts the ability of a municipality to extend municipal services into newly annexed areas.

Branson opposes any regulatory changes by the Department of Natural Resources that would encourage the development of subdivisions with separate sewer systems built adjacent to a municipal system.

Branson opposes any legislation that restricts municipalities’ abilities to impose franchise or user fees for the use of the municipalities’ right-of-ways.

Branson supports legislation that provides funding for state agencies to work in conjunction with Missouri cities as well as private and not-for-profit organizations to address the areas of affordable housing.

Branson supports efforts intended to protect our lakes, rivers and forests as our natural resources are vital to the region’s economy and way of life.

Branson opposes the legalization of casino gaming in southwest Missouri.

Local Control
Branson opposes legislation that would interfere with municipal authority to determine personnel or merit system rules and regulations.

Branson opposes any reduction of local regulatory authority over developers.

Branson supports Missouri’s current meet-and-confer law for public employees, and therefore opposes any attempt to legislate a mandatory collective bargaining law. We believe the power to set wages and other terms and conditions of employment for local government employees must rest with elected representatives and should not be delegated to third party arbitrators or the courts.

Sales Tax
Branson opposes exempting any further items from the local sales tax and encourages review of current exemptions to examine their validity.

Branson opposes state-mandated sales tax holidays that do not provide a local decision on participation or nonparticipation in the holiday.

Branson supports full funding, according to state statutes, for the Missouri Division of Tourism marketing budget.

Tourism promotion campaigns, in cooperation with local tourism and convention groups, should be given greater priority and increased funding because tourism is a major economic generator for the state of Missouri (Tourism Dept. now doing this)

Branson supports legislation that requires public schools to open no earlier than 10-days prior to Labor Day. (Passed by legislature in 2007)

Branson supports state and federal efforts to keep pace with pressing statewide transportation needs, especially by accelerating the construction of projects when local communities are willing to assist with the financing of road improvements.