(Videography by Darin Codon) The video clip above was shot from a Jr. High School in Des Moines, Iowa just a few hours ago videos photos and commentary on Senator Barack Obama's speech tonight will be posted on Caucus 2008
According to Federal Election Commission data Obama is the Branson area Democratic winner in terms of funding.
Here's my thoughts before hearing him speak tonight:
Live in Des Moines at a middle school which is filling up with spectators in anticipation of Barrack Obama’s arrival.
The crowd may be indicative of Iowa itself – mostly white – mostly middle class – mostly young.
This is it. A victory in Iowa could mean everything for Obama answering the question, “Can Obama gain traction with Mid-West White America.”
Yesterday at Obama’s headquarters, the phone banks were paused by the sound of local residents questioning the Senator’s record of accomplishment on defense, heritage and religious affiliation. Stewards of the phone bank are bombarded with questions about his father, his upbringing – pretty much anything other than the issues supposedly framing the debate about who should be the next President of the United States.
As the battle between Hillary Clinton and Obama continues to heat Edwards may have the opportunity to sneak in – a potential casualty of Obama and Clinton playing king of the hill early in the running.
I’m in the back row waiting for my back up to bring equipment left at the hotel. I’m left with the B roster of equipment and technical issues have dominated more of my time than I could have imagined. Murphy ’s Law is in full effect on this trip.
So far, I haven’t been able to cover what I’ve found to be one of the most interesting elements of the primaries to date – how will religion play into the race for president. But a Lesbian Unitatian ministere named Dee Graham may change all that.
8:50 PM
The press bus has arrived thus Obama is prepping to enter the house. The press platform is full and I’m lucky to have arrived early.