Branson Mayor Raeanne Presley - Impressions of the Branson Media

You know Darin I haven’t met that many reporters yet. Michelle Sherwood was friendly and asked good questions today – also looking for other stories to cover in the future. Seemed to recognize that KY3 had not followed many of the Branson issues very closely.

Locally you win the award for being everywhere at once. Never satisfied with the standard line – a lot like me. (Branson Edge)

I like Vonda’s angles based on her many years of living in Branson. She understands the personalities of the Ozarks. Gary G knows how to rally the troops and bring emotion to an otherwise fact based story and John L uses humor to bring to light complex issues.

Brandon is just the facts kind of guy – but pays attention to detail. (Brandon Cone of the Branson Daily News)

Anyone else I’ve missed? Greg Brock and Sally are also always around, but I seldom actually do an interview with them. Great radio voices! (Greg Brock and Sally Kaucher work for KRZK)

Katherine Buckstaff has been the face of Springfield for so long – and so she’s able to gauge which stories have traction and which don’t.

This note from the Branson Mayor was sent in August.