Senator Jeff Harris Blasts Missouri Ethics Commission

Missouri Senator and Attorney General hopeful Jeff Harris criticized the Missouri Ethics Commission over their hardship ruling on Friday. Harris fired out a press release in response to the "hardship" ruling allowing candidates to keep donations over campaign donation limits. In a press release Harris said:

"Once again, we've seen Missourians' interest in public integrity take a back seat to political gamesmanship and the special interests. The Ethics Commission was set up to serve as a public watchdog, but time and time again, it has stood by and watched as politicians and deep-pocketed special interests exploit and skirt campaign finance laws to their advantage. It's time for this to change. Voters have an absolute right to know where the money in our political system comes from – who is giving to who, and what they expect in return.

"As Missouri's next Attorney General, I will work with the Ethics Commission to help them tighten the reins on inappropriate activity, but I will also press the commission to do more. I will assign attorneys from the Attorney General's Office to monitor complaints, to provide input and insight, and to file charges wherever they apply. I also will not hesitate to use my bully pulpit as Attorney General to criticize inaction and wrongheaded decisions by the commission.

"I want to be clear that I am not criticizing the many fine people who work at the Ethics Commission and work hard every day. But Missourians need a strong watchdog who is not afraid to bark or even bite when politicians and special interests violate the public trust. If the Ethics Commission won't act on its own, then, as Attorney General, I will."