Branson Citizen Survey Questionaires Sent

An initiative by Branson Alderman Bob McDowell to survey the citizens of Branson is being sent out. A consulting company was hired to conduct the study and selected individuals were selected to review the questionnaire. Two sets of surveys, one for businesses and one for residents is being sent this weekend and was proposed to get a feel of citizen and business owner perspectives outside of activists who participate in civic life.

Full Press Release Below:

Citizens Surveys sent out

About 1,200 randomly selected residents and 400 businesses will be receiving the Branson Citizens Survey in the mail this weekend and early next week.

The six-page survey for residents and the four-page survey for businesses were sent out Wednesday evening by ETC Institute of Olathe, Kansas, with whom the city contracted to create the survey and report on its results. ETC is a market research firm specializing in community survey research.

The survey, which will take about 20 minutes to complete, is the first ever conducted by the city.

According to Mayor Raeanne Presley, the purpose of the survey is to objectively assess satisfaction with Branson city services and identify what residents and businesses feel are priorities in the community. She said the responses will assist city leaders in identifying and addressing the opportunities and challenges facing Branson.

Some of the topics assessed on the survey are public safety, parks and recreation, streets and infrastructure, community planning and customer service. Of the total 1,600 surveys mailed, the city and ETC hope to have at least 400 returned. The surveys are to be mailed back by March 31. ETC will publicly present results of the survey to Aldermen around June 1.

Mayor Presley says those residents and businesses who do not receive a survey are welcome to still participate as surveys are available at Branson City Hall and at the Branson RecPlex on Branson Hills Parkway. Also, the surveys will be on the city’s website, , for printing, completing and returning to ETC.

Any questions about the survey can be directed to Branson Public Information Director Jerry Adams at 337-8526.