Branson Alderman Ward III KRZK Debates

Tune in - Turn On - Don't drop the ball....

Ward III Debates ensue tonight on KRZK 101.1 FM at 6:00 PM. The meeting coincides with Branson Board of Adjustment and Historic Downtown Branson Business Owners at 7:00 PM.

Campaign finance reports model (for out of towners) the clash of civilizations that has formed Branson Politics since the Shephard of the Hills converted a multi-million dollar industry.

From the poetic perspective see "The River Runs Through IT".

Branson Alderman Ward III hopeful Marc Williams conceded, "He would not change the building height requirement in the Plaster/Huffman proposal and endorses affordable housing" - two issues that were contentions last year. Rick Huffman concluded that building a highrise wasn't "economically feasible". The campaign machine funding Branson Ward III Alderman contender Rick Davis contains several individuals that openly caucused against the project last year.

The Branson Edge broke the story of Huffman's decision to pull the plug on the skyrise project last July.

Yesterday, Ward III candidates met with Steve Willoughby, who is prepping candidates and getting familiar with their platform before this evening debate.

Davis has campaigned for improved infrastructure throughout Branson. Williams has stated that red-tape in the city of Branson is a deterrent to developers.

Both candidates have sparred for the Taney County Republicans and Taney County Democrats, KRZK is hosting the final round.

The Branson Daily Independent's columnist and former Taney County TIF Commissioner Gary Groman endorsment of Mayor Raeanne Presley and Alderman Sandra Williams. Branson Ward III Alderman Sandra Williams openly opposed Terry Dody and ran on a platform of "regime change" follwed by a second through casted ballot.

During a candidate forum, Williams accused former Branson Ward III Alderman Ron Huff of holding secret meetings in violation of the sunshine law. Williams hasn't been a fan of TIF's and ran on a platform of "A more Sunshiny City Council" ; but denied a request that closed meetings be recorded for historical purposes such as the law requires in Illinois and Texas.

City Attorney Paul Link responded in open session that the City's Political Union, which involves pushing for legislation that makes it easier for city's to enact Tax Increment Finance (TIF's), and against city employees from organizing for higher wages, doesn't advise that the city enact "OPEN GOVERNMENT POLICIES".

In other words, the city wasn't legally required to keep a record of secret meetings - such as the one happening occurring at city hall - this very moment - to appoint a new city manager (the city hasn't had one since the Political Execution of Terry Dody).

Hat Tip to Willoughby and the Earls for hosting the forum.