Taney County Tax On The Poor - TIF in disquise (Editorial)

No elected official would ever come to power under the mantra:

I will tax the poor and oppress the people with unnecessary levies.

The statement above is a public service announcement for local politicians who will be paid a visit from a local tax lobbyist financed through special interest money this week. (Some of you have already received the call)

Though some believe the tax "is ok" because it only harms the tourist industry, Statistically, they're right. The majority of county income is siphoned through area visitors. (See Stats)

The second group is the poor. The single mom trying to buy diapers - anyone who buys food at the grocery store - they'll have to pay a tax which will be funneled (at the highest rate possible) to special interests which the money was never intended to be funneled.

Tomorrow, will be week five of a campaign to burden the citizens of Taney County. Essentially, the funds which should come from a growing general county fund, will be used (the portion that isn't being siphoned)to support a Taney County TIFF.

What do you mean? They're only trying to levy a new sales tax?

Let's think for a moment about what a TIF is for. I'm not talking about TIF abuse - which we're all familiar with. The purpose of a TIFF is to generate revenue through infrastructure development. The sales tax being proposed doesn't even do that. It's to buy brainpower which will encourage business development.

When Ron Houseman was running for Taney County Commissioner - a very popular candidate - he said this to a Springfield News-Leader reporter:

"I'm of the old school, and I feel that less government is better government," he said, "but there are definite tools counties and cities must have. ... Taney County has no strategic plan for the future. There's no ... plan for the prediction of revenues or expenditures, no direction for priorities of services or even thoughts as to where the commission will be spending discretionary funds. Our county ... should immediately be looking to available revenues and resources that can be utilized without raising taxes within this county."

We like smaller government too and we like the idea of not raising taxes on the backs of the poor.

New taxes will come and if you do nothing, say nothing - there are powers that will push this levy down your throat.

Two districts in the area want to raise taxes to improve their school districts...by the way...is anyone going to report on the Hollister School District meeting tonight?