Predator World Wolf Shot Dead

One of the wolves that escaped from Predator World was found Saturday. Unfortunately, the wolf was found dead after being shot by a local farmer. The individual who shot the wolf claimed he was afraid the wolf might kill livestock. – Enter Speculation Here -

After the wolves escaped in February, Predator World began a public relations campaign to help educate residents most likely to come in contact with the wolves. Brent Wakefield of Predator World said, “There has never been a report of a healthy wolf attacking a human in the United States.” Wakefield was pleased with the community response. The wolves raised in captivity weren’t successfully seduced back into captivity with raw meat but responded well to dog food placed in the vicinity of reported sightings.

Wakefield said Predator World sent teams of ten to twelve staff members and volunteers out daily since the first week in March at a cost of $700 - $800 dollars per week. The teams scouted a two mile grid but were unsuccessful in finding the den. Wakefield felt it would be irresponsible to continue the search expenditure. “Wolves mate for life”, explained a not so hopeful Wakefield. A 500 dollar reward remains for the discovery of the den.