Branson Alderman Meeting
Branson Landing Update
The Branson Landing is on budget and on time. The reports are pretty much the same. Alderman Dick Gass affirms the timeline at each meeting.
Branson Arts Council asked for $35,000 see post below.
Surrey Grand Crowne applied for a permit to reduce parking requirements. The issue ended up igniting a longer debate than anticipated. Aldermen voted 3-3 and the Mayor broke the tie.
Branson Landing and Branson Hills Sign Requests
Planning and Zoning + Engineering Initiatives Bills 3413,3414 and 3415
Bill 3416 Citizens on Patrol. The initiative resulted in extended debate. It allows citizens to serve on the budget, capital improvements and human resources committees.
Bill 3417 Clerk Notes - Changes clerk responsibilities to include summaries of public speakers.
Bills 3419 -3420 Engineering Department - Money from MoDOT
Sale or lease of city property on 76 and Fall Creek. Aldermen voted to not sale.
Discussion on the use of the name Branson outside of city limits.