Maynard Wallace - District 143 Taney County Representitive to Missouri

Taney County's Representative to Jefferson City Maynard Wallace walks a political line unheard of. Endorsements from education interests aren't known for their support of strong Republican candidates. Mr. Wallace has the support of both. Many Branson area administrators choose Wallace over their elected Reps to represent their interests. In a half hour interview with the Branson Edge Maynard Wallace helped untangle some of the mystery behind the great divide between educational and tourism interests. Wallace asked that the interview be posted in full, so if you have time, download the interview and listen to what Wallace has to say. Local Media outlets have my consent to use the content of the audio for publication under a creative common license with attribution. Ye are hearby granted,Wallace revealed that he'll be submitting a School start bill to the Missouri House of Representatives.
Wallace intends to push through legislation that will eliminate State fuel taxes for School busing. Wallace notes the Federal Government doesn't tax school buses and questions the logic behind using tax dollars to pay taxes.
Wallace didn't answer some of the hard hitting questions such as:
"Should School Teacher's be drug tested?" Since drug abuse by teacher's in local school's have come to light and since administrators have decided that it's ok to take genetic material to test our children we confirm our stance in the post...."Does Your Kid's Teacher Smoke Crack?" If School Teacher's choose to do drugs, that's fine - though we want them to sober up before we are required to send our children to the state mandated learning facilities. Is elevating our children's minds to the status we give heavy machinery appropriate? (Something for you to chew on)...