The coward Groman issues an attack on the administrations past - once again - ignoring the millions in new expenditures the wasteful Presley administration is passing. If fat was integrity - he'd have some.
Let's Review:
Ten Points Gary Groman Won't Fess Up to
Journalist Tied to Time Share Fraud
For A Classic -
The Vulture's Holiday Proposal
Gary Groman - always willing to give a business partner a hand. Coward yes - journalist not hardly. By the way Gary didn't you tell me Craig Donze and your boss Mr. Lewis watch gaye porne. And, why were you looking a gaye porne?
Though Gary Groman ran gaye ads on his websites (the gaye rainbow flag with Eureka Springs on it) we were never really concerned with his orientation; however, since he made fun of people that were gaye - we thought we'd go ahead and run the story. Making fun of people for something they can't help isn't nice. Fat people can diet, therefore we don't consider this something off-limits. It is important to state that gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins - the least of the vulture's transgressions.