There is a big difference between seeing a live show with a packed crowd and a small audience. The entertainers play off the energy of the audience.
Branson Alderman were a bit slap happy late in the evening Monday night recovering from the adrenaline resulting from a lively debate over a Planned Development called Harbor Bay. The planned development was rejected by city leaders after second reading.
Playing politics in front of a full-house energized city leaders who've been putting in long hours since more extensive governance policies were placed by Branson's new regime. The commitment of city council has extended from biweekly to once a week meetings in addition to mandatory attendance for multiple committees.
Alderman Sandra Williams went out of her way to acknowledge and thank members of the community for showing up and voicing their opinions at City Hall as the meeting concluded near 11:00 PM.
If you haven't had a chance to see your government in action; take the time to come out to a city council meeting.
Many citizens are skeptical about their potential influence on government and their ability to make a difference.
Last week I attended a seminar on lobbying. You'd be surprised to hear the response some of our senator's gave regarding citizen's right to petition government. In general, leaders want to do a good job and represent their constituents. It's more than a right, it's a responsibility.
For Skeptics
If you believe the system is showered in corruption, look at it this way:
The godless mongers of Babylon - paid corporate whores will petition your government - true. Those who care nothing about the citizens who'll maliciously lobby officials with bribes and carry anti-citizen agendas on behalf of their own interests pretending they care one iota about the citizens will present themselves - true. There are journalists who have their heads so far up public officials rectums that they'll need surgery to remove them - true
These things happen. There are "professionals" who walk the halls of government facilities successfully bending the ears of "public servants".
If you let these individuals take over your government - it's your fault. Participate. Write your city leaders, show up to city hall, listen to the meetings. If you care, let them know that you believe what they do is important. These individuals affect you and your children's lives substantially. It's your nation, country and community. Make a difference - it's your responsibility as a citizen to participate - to keep us free and self-governed.