Sunshine Week Report - NO MORE Mc JOBS

Sunshine Week is over.

The Branson Edge behaved nicely all week. We were so nice we made ourselves sick. We felt kinda dirty doing it. Which brings me to the clip going up this week... Bucky singing, Dirty Deeds.

On my weekly route through Branson City Hall, I was informed that I can in fact video record chamber meetings as long as advance notice is given.

As a public service video footage of Branson City meetings will go live online. "Branson Spoke", just doesn't give us all of the details. It's our special way of spreading sunshine. :)

last week we played down the Branson - Hollister rivalry. Inquiries into the topic were fruitful. The truth is sometimes Branson helps Hollister. Two examples given by city officials in Branson were the freeway and an industrial park. Their are circumstances where the cities compete - such is the case of Wal-Mart.

Hollister is the region's upcoming star. Co-operation between these two cities is vital to regional development. My 2 nice.

Many of us lack knowledge of TIFF fund specifics. We're happy to report that the Branson City Administration has been open to discuss and educate us on the issue. A suggestion of qualifications for entities worthy of TIFF's was submitted by Randy Anglin and is available for your viewing pleasure at Branson Attorney Randy Anglin Proposed TIFF legislation.

I think the point is you brought new jobs...great, but can you feed your family with these jobs? Was the business going to already help the community through a deal with a neighbor? Is your value as a city so low that you have to subsidize corporations to come here? Were they going to come to the community anyway?

If the jobs they provide have no future, provide no insurance, and take more money away from the community than provide...than the company should still be welcome full price.

We don't need any more Mc Jobs.