Judge Tony Williams - Taney County Missouri

A pregnant woman walks into the court and pleads guilty to a charge. The judge levies a fine and proceeds to ask her about her employment circumstances. He then talks to her husband. After seeing they're poor the Honorable Judge Willams requests the money be spent to provide clothing for the child instead of payment to the state.

Another Judge Williams adventure involves a KY3 reporter who got cocky with the Judge. Apparently the reporter threatened the Judge with a negative "expose" on the judge if he didn't immediately follow her request. The Judge told her to do whatever she wanted but if she wasn't more respectful she'd be spending the night as his guest. As it turned out, the information she requested would have led to a media nightmare as the evidence she was trying to obtain information about was of fraudulent report.

Williams served as the Prosecuting Attorney's assistant for Barney Naoti at the time his campaign was launched for the position his former boss held. The Taney County Sherriff’s department promised support for his candidacy under the condition that he removes himself as Barney's assistant. Knowing this would bring the Taney County justice system to a halt the Judge denied the offer and eventually lost the election to the current prosecuting Attorney - Rodney Daniels. To add insult to injury the Sherriff’s office sent a sympathy card Williams after he lost his bid for office. The card was signed by a number of officers from the Taney County Sheriff's department. When given a hard time, Judge Williams pulls the sympathy card from his top drawer to remind the Sherriff of the gesture.

Though Taney County is classified as rural; the workload for the office is substantially higher than other rural Missouri counties. Funding resources are allocated by Missouri according to resident population which is several thousand times short of the actual average residency of the county taking 7 million tourists into account.

William's has kind words to say about Jeff Merrell asserting his potential to be the best prosecuting attorney Taney County has ever seen.

As far as the media is concerned the Tony William's comment ... "more powerful than me".