Is Branson Getting 2 New Television Stations?

The Branson Independent reported last week that RFD closed on their theatre offer and will be broadcasting out of Branson. Though a month late on the story :)- will this affect the way Branson is covered? Ummmm …maybe.

Currently, we don't have any traditional broadcasting in the area. Our local public broadcasting station has been replaced with The Vacation Channel which covers local entertainment as opposed to the gloom and doom that necessitates the attention of the press.

In a discussion with a TV news reporter yesterday I began to understand why Branson isn't covered....

1. Size: We represent a small portion of the viewing region (Springfield is the 3rd Largest city in Missouri and we're but a small subset of that)
2. Human Nature: We're far from Springfield and if a reporter gets to choose what spots he/she will be covering they'll most likely choose something close to home - Would you want to make an unnecessary 100 mile round trip drive for your job? Reporters are humans, it’s a job.
3. Relevance: The majority of interest about Branson comes from people who live outside of the area…how interested are they in what traditional media covers?

All this to the side there is a market for good news coverage ..demand is there…as far as the second one is concerned…More at 11