Welcome to Branson - "Here's Your Sign"
1. Pilfering the multi-millions in savings of Branson's prior leadership
2. Laundering money to Skaggs Hospital and other committees Branson's Mayor Raeanne Presley sits on in conflict to her public responsibilities
3. Creating a new sign at the entrance to Branson.
As corruption plagues the citizens of Branson potentially forcing a tax increase, city leaders have succeeded at something that doesn't cost the Branson ecnonomy too much.
Unfortunately, the last listed achievement took longer than the prior city leadership took to build the Branson Landing.
Branson will now have an entrance sign which was recently approved by the Branson Beautification Commitee. The image above is what the sign will look like.
Branson Travel Manual 1940's

*I also think it's important to note that Lake Taneycomo is being branded as a year-round destination.
Branson Gospel Music Convention Lineup

During the days of American slavery races would intermingle for worship. African rhythms were integrated into the American worship practices. The melodies allowed verse recitation for those who were illiterate. The tradition of worship continues in some churches to this day.
Branson Gospel Convention Musical Lineup
145 Music Group
2nd Generation
Alan Harris Family
Annette Herndon
Ascension Quartet
The Bethels
Bev McCann Ministries
Beyond The Ashes
Bill Allen
Bill Schell
Blackwood Quartet
The Boys Of The Fort
The Bradford Trio
C S & K
Calvary Echoes
Canaan Bound
Carrie Ann Smallwood
Cathy J. Reynolds
The Cerces
CGCRadio/Hope Street Music/CCGNews
Charles Ross Ministries
Cherise Perkins
Chuck Wagon Gang
Christian Gift Outlet
Christian Voice Magazine
Clayton Watson
The Couch Family
CrossPoint Quartet
The Crusader’s Quartet
Crystal Valley Quartet
Curt Shoemaker “The Shoe”
Dale & Cheryl Golden
Darrell Marshall
David East
Debbie Bennett
Deep South Regional Quartet Convention
Dennis Rehders
Doris Bullington/ Doris’ Music
Dove CDs/The Singing Weavers
Dustin & Kaila
Dusty Wells
Emcee Pro/Testify Software
Encouraging Today’s Women
The Ellis Family/TEF Ministries
Eric Hinson (of the Original Hinson Family)
Eternal Life Duet
Evangelistic International Ministries
Faithful Touch Trio
Faithfull II
Florida Boys
Full Life Trio
Gifts with a Meaning
Glitz & Glamour Gifts
Gold Harbor
The Goodwins
Gospel Guitar Guys
Gospel Music Television
Gospel Music Times
GospelOK / Heir Wave Radio
Gospel Rivers Boys
“Hannah Belle” Southerland
The Harris Family
Hearts of Faith
Hearts of Grace
Heavenly Sunrise Qt
His Call Ministries
HIS Choice Productions
Homelighters Quartet
The Homesteaders Quartet
Inheritance - Jackson & Scroggs
Jake Holder & Messenger Sound
James McMickin
Jay Stone Singers
Karen Shadbolt Ministries
Kathy Atkins
Kathy Carpenter
Kathy Woodward
Keith Caldwell
Kelly Perry
Kenny Bishop
Kings Highway
Kirk Talley
KWFC-FM Radio (Springfield, MO)
The Ladds
Lighthouse Messengers
Lookin’ Up
Lottie Collier
Lou Wills Hildreth
Lulu Roman
Lynda Lynn Songs, On Angels Wings Publishing
Lynnette Williams
Mansion Entetainment
Marcey Wall / The Jim Bakker Show
Margie Tanner
Marla Conrad
Mary Fay Jackson/Texas Country Gospel
Mary L. Davis
The McDaniel Quartet
McMillan & Life
Messengers N Harmony
Mike Powell/John 3:30 Ministries
Minister’s Quartet
The Missourians
The Nelons
The Nehrkorns
New Creations Ministry
New Direction Ministries
Northern Edge
The Parnells
The Parish Family
Paul Armstrong
The Paul Family
The Paynes
Peggy Inks
The Peaceful Hearts
Perfect Peace Ministries
Praise Incorporated
PromisedLand Quartet
Psalm 100
Red Roots
Redemption Road
The Revelators
The Revived
Rhonpaul Ministries
Rob Helton Music Group
Rod Burton
Ron Brewer
Roy Edwards Ministries
The Samaritans
Samaritan Revival
SGM Radio
SGN Scoops Digital / The Diamond Awars
Shane Tecza Ministries
The Shannons
Shannon Bunch
Shelton Bissell
Shine On Trio
The Shireys
SKy Angel Faith & Family Television
The Stamps
The Stanleys
Sunday Edition/SSE Group
Taj Rohr
Tammy Norris
Terry Dorsey
Tommy D. Mayos Southern Gospel Outreach
Violet Maynard
Wendy Word + Forgiven
Weston Hinson & By Faith
The Wilsons
Young Harmony
Branson Slave Labor Scheme Foiled by Grand Jury
Business takes a burst in April and Silver Dollar City's World Fest brings a healthy crop of foreign nationals in time for the tourist season to kick off.
Over the past few years an insurgence of foreign nationals from the former Soviet Union and satellite states ensures both poverty for the local population and cheap labor for many Branson businesses.
During the spring staffing firms negotiate with local businesses to provide cheap labor. The abundance of inexpensive motels helps subsidize these firms who contract with guaranteed minimum hours.
Even the most mundane jobs are filled before the summer heat brings swarms of tourists. Locking in the import of alien workers involves advertising in developing nations for bodies to fill seasonal demand.
The laborers often stay longer than their visas and fill other service industry jobs while in Branson.
A Federal Grand Jury indicted 12 in the Western District Court in Kansas City yesterday with charges including racketeering, marriage fraud, visa fraud to name a few.
The multi state operation cited two Branson area businesses that contracted for illegal labor. The two listed are Branson Creek and Pointe Royale. The full PDF file is posted on Branson Agent or can be accessed directly
"Human Trafficking PDF"Federal Grand Jury Indictment PDF
A few related stories on the topic:
Branson Real Politik 3 of 3
Race Relations When Mexicans and Russians Unite
Branson Employees Beware - A letter to Branson Employees
Most of you are smart enough not to answer the survey honestly as the repercussions of doing so could jeopardize your careers and the ability for you to take care of your families.
Our Mayor, or as I call her, Branson's Chief Money Launderer, has a history of firing people who challenge her ethics and refuse to conduct illegal activities as prescribed.
A good example of this may be in the form of the Mayor personally asking you to sign documents or conduct repairs in front of a business partners home.
Recently, Ms. Presley granted herself and her friends on the board of Alderman a $90,000 slush fund to play with. Another $250,000 for her League of Theaters political fund from the regional tax district and another large donation that directly concerns you.
While Skaggs Board and associates, which Presley serves on , receives millions in public funds you might be told there is no money to pay for raises, bonuses or proper personnel. Against common sense, another $40,000 was granted by the board to themselves for a lobbyist. One of the purposes of this lobbyist is to ensure you don't organize.
Fortunately, the law allows for secret ballots in the event you want to both keep your jobs and restore integrity to Branson City Hall.
Most of the politicos in town have given up. Many are already accumulating bribe money to ship her out - maybe a gubernatorial appointment or as a rep for a small district. Her actions, neglect for the cities financial viability and use of public funds for personal gain reveal the personality behind the most selfish leader Branson has been cursed with.
I was hoping to bring you good news, but unfortuantely I'm obliged to inform you that it's about to get much worse.
Perhaps you want to know where your next assignment will be. It's important to look at where the political donations are coming from. A simple map of the area reveals Presley is most bribed west 76 strip. Expect development in this region as it would be most damaging to downtown Branson, an area Presley despises and has worked vigorously to bankrupt.
The real innovative projects have been shut down such as the monorail prior administrations were planning. In light of the vision and economic focus prior to Presley's regime you might find some of the work a waste of time and contrary to good fiscal management. Unfortunately, there is little you can do about this.
You can however make a dent in corruption at Branson City Hall and protect both yourselves and the citizens.
The next time Presley asks you to break the law, sign a document against common-sense ethics or undermine government processes by contacting you directly, report the incident to an attorney with as much written documentation as possible.
By the time criminal charges catch up to you, Presley will be out of city hall. Hopefully we'll have leaders at that point who prize honor before self-interest. And at that time, if you've assisted with Presley's battle against the Branson economy, you could prosecuted.
Capatalizing on the Branson Landing

Since the Branson Landing's inception I've been trying to figure out how to capitalize on it.
A recent Branson Chamber of Commerce survey concluded Branson's $450 million dollar lakefront project was Branson Missouri's top destination.
I've sat center stage the past 31 days with the clearest view of the property - studying.
Rick Huffman, the developer of the Branson Landing stopped by last week before heading to an architectural awards ceremony in Las Vegas. Between then and now he's crushed my cold drink monopoly with Coke machines in the Town Square.
After Branson whistleblower Ruth Denham unfolded corruption in Branson Mayor Raeanne Presley administration not even Huffman, always known as bold in business, dares attempt reform efforts to save Branson's economy.
In three years the Branson Landing and Branson Hills projects have generated over 25 percent of Branson's income. Unfortunately, Branson's current administration can't seem to stop frivolously spending it.
Memorial Day is coming and the seasonal rush has tourists moving from a trickling creek to a steady stream (rain days excluded).
It's time to get paid....
Mike Huckabee to Speak At College of the Ozarks Graduation Ceremony

The Honorable Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas Governor, will give the Commencement address. Huckabee graduated magna cum laude from Ouachita Baptist University, completing his bachelor’s degree in religion in 2 ½ years, before attending Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth.
With roots in Hope, Arkansas, Huckabee first was elected Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas in a 1993 special election and was elected to a full four-year term in 1994. He served as 44th Governor of Arkansas from 1996-2007. Last year, Huckabee campaigned for the Republican nomination for President, finishing second in the Republican Presidential Primary.
Presently, Huckabee hosts a weekend news show on the FOX News Channel, as well as hosts a daily radio commentary on ABC radio.
Dr. James T. Draper, Jr., retired President and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources, will give the Baccalaureate service. LifeWay Christian Resources is one of the largest Christian communications companies.
Dr. Draper earned his bachelor’s degrees from Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He obtained his master of divinity from Southwestern Seminary and has received doctoral degrees from Howard Payne University, Campbell University and California Baptist University.
Dr. Draper has authored 27 books, including We Believe, Trusting Thy Word and Every Christian is a Minister.
A long-time Baptist minister and prominent figure in the Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. Draper served as the Convention President from 1982-1984; was the Chairman of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Board of Trustees 1990-91 and trustee member 1984-1991; and has been a trustee of Baylor University, Southwest Baptist University and California Baptist University.
Please join C of O in recognizing the graduating seniors’ accomplishments at the Baccalaureate and Commencement ceremonies. Tickets are not required, but seating is limited for both ceremonies. For more information, contact the office of the Dean of the College at (417) 690-2278.
Branson Airport Snabs Media Attention

Merle Haggard Back in Branson June 11
Branson Opens For Air Travel

One of the main opponents of the airport, Branson's current Mayor Raeanne Presley fought against the airport but took the spotlight during the opening ceremonies. Though Presley has repeatedly criticized the vision of Branson's former administrators, she was gracious in crediting former Mayor Lou Schaefer during the announcement of Air Tran as the first commercial airline to ink a deal to charter flights into Southern Missouri.
Employees of the airport applauded as the first planes landed carrying Branson Airport's investors and their families as they walked into Famous Dave's in the terminal which has a barn facade complete with a water wheel. Read More: Branson Airport Opens
(Photo by Melnov)
Renea McMasters on Missouri Department of Conservation Termination
• On 4-28-2009 my employment with the Missouri Department of Conservation was terminated.
• The reason given was "work place violence."
• I disagree with this reason.
• On 4-26-09 I yelled at a volunteer who was taunting and teasing me.
This person was making fun of my name, calling me, "Rene-Ahh." I raised my voice. I did NOT threaten, swear at, or call her names. I simply told her that I was sick of her taunting me and using tax-payer money to promote big business and lobbying groups.
The full details of my separation are lengthy and warrant further investigation by the Missouri Department of Conservation, the State Treasurer, as well as the tax payers of Missouri. I will provide you with the highlights that led up to my termination.
• My supervisor at the Shepherd of the Hills Visitor Center, John Miller, recruited me as a volunteer after I was hired to fill a position of Public Service Clerk.
• John's wife, Kathy, is in charge of running special events at the visitor center.
• At some special events John and Kathy sometimes appear to quarrel. I have been put in the middle by Kathy requesting that I walk across the property and retrieve John, and John sending me back to Kathy with a message. I was in no position to say no to the boss or the boss's wife. I was working and getting paid by the state at these events.
• In the early part of February, John placed Kathy and another volunteer, Carrie-Ann in charge of coordinating an Earth Day event for 4-25-09. Kathy requested that I organize a local food workshop. I agreed to volunteer for this task, and spent my days off driving to or calling people in my area, asking them to set-up a booth at the event. I told people this was a celebration of all things local and a demonstration of how small businesses are better for the environment.
• In the early part of March, Kathy and Carrie-Ann announced that they were inviting Lowe's and Home Depot to the event. I told John, Kathy, and Carrie-Ann that the people I had invited would feel insulted by this. I resigned as a volunteer for the state and turned over all contacts I had made to Kathy and Carrie-Ann. I was content to continue my job as a public service clerk. I just did not want to volunteer anymore.
• In early April the small, local businesses I had contacted in February began calling me. They wanted to know why I had made no further contact. I tried to talk to John about this. John cut me offand told me to talk to Kathy.
• I did talk to Kathy, who lectured me about my communication skills and frequent misunderstandings. I was very hurt and angry about this lecture, but could not go to my boss because it was his wife givingthe lecture.
• In late April, I opened a package that arrived at the visitor's center. This package was from the Missouri Corn Growers Association, a lobbying group that seeks government funding. The package was full of brochures promoting the use and more funding for ethanol. I asked John
what this was for and he said they were to be given out at the Earth Day event.
• On 4-28-09 Carrie-Ann came to the visitor's center to work on Earth Day projects. Every time I saw her she made fun of my name. She knows how to pronounce my name. I have heard her say it correctly. I asked her why she was using tax payer time and facilities to promote a
lobbying group. She said she used to work for Monsanto. I yelled at
her. I yelled that my name is Renea and I disapprove of a former Monsanto employee using tax dollars to promote a practice that seeks government funding to burn food and drive up the price of groceries. I yelled that I can barely afford to feed my family as it is. Then I left.
• I also spent a week working with an employee, Bryon, who came to work late and left early everyday. Furthermore, when Bryon is at work he spends his day in my boss's office surfing the internet and sending email. Bryon makes more than $15 an hour.
• I had complained to John about this several times. When I resigned as a volunteer John became more critical of my work. I feed the turtles too much (I used my own money to buy food for the turtles). I was late one morning and John told me to "not make a habit of it." In
the two plus years that I have worked for him I had been late maybefive times.
• I did Bryon's job and my job on the days I worked with Bryon. Other employees voiced the same complaints to John.
I never received any warning or criticism about my work until I resigned as a volunteer. Everyday I strived to do better than the last. I did every task assigned to me, as well as compensated for Bryon's absence. I spent two years volunteering so I could learn more
about the job I was getting paid to do.
• John is a member of the National Association of Interpreter's. John and Kathy used tax payer money to fly around the United States to hand out awards. I helped John with his credit card statements every month. The State of Missouri has paid thousands of dollars for plane tickets
alone. John took his wife, Kathy, and the state paid for private hotel rooms and food. John and Kathy have taken at least three trips in the
past year. Each trip was 5 - 10 days long. The people of Missouri has footed the bill.
Any ideas on how to stop the Missouri Department of Conservation from abusing our money and neglecting our citizens and wildlife?
Your friend in Liberty,
Renea McMasters
Branson Landing Initiates Preventative Measures to Prevent Swine Flu Outbreak
No cases have been reported in Branson or the surrounding area. The current infection count is being posted by the Center for Disease Control.
U.S. Human Cases of H1N1 Flu Infection (As of May 2, 2009, 11:00 AM ET) | |||
States | # of laboratory confirmed cases | Deaths | |
Arizona | 4 | ||
California | 24 | ||
Colorado | 2 | ||
Connecticut | 1 | ||
Delaware | 4 | ||
Florida | 2 | ||
Illinois | 3 | ||
Indiana | 3 | ||
Kansas | 2 | ||
Kentucky* | 1 | ||
Massachusetts | 8 | ||
Michigan | 2 | ||
Minnesota | 1 | ||
Missouri | 1 | ||
Nevada | 1 | ||
New Jersey | 7 | ||
New York | 50 | ||
Ohio | 1 | ||
South Carolina | 13 | ||
Texas | 28 | 1 | |
Virginia | 2 | ||
TOTAL (21) | 160 cases | 1 death | |
*Case is resident of Ky. but currently hospitalized in Ga. | |||
Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |