Branson Chamber VS Larry Milton (Internet Wars)

In a few months the Branson Chamber of Commerce marketing contract will come up for review which has Larry Milton and paid attack dog Gary "Little Milton" Groman foaming at the mouth and in the newspaper., a direct sales firm, fraudulently bills itself as Branson's Official Website, a claim not only without merit but a title the Branson Chamber of Commerce is trying to take back.

As has been abundantly clear through Branson's new board of alderman , committee's can be designed to launder public resources and money to support personal financial interests and when it comes to benefiting from taxes allocated to Internet marketing, no company has reaped more direct financial benefit than Milton's privately owned time-share lead generation firms Branson Tourism Center and

The highly successful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign the Branson Chamber has been executing through the help of their media buying firm Camelot promises to increase the tension. The Branson Chambers SEO campaign has increased web traffic by leaps and bounds but primarily competes with's role as a direct sales outlet. When an Internet user searches for hotels, restaurants or general information about Branson they're already a qualified buyer. By no stretch of the imagination can this be considered a marketing mission.

While the Branson Chamber of Commerce has dramatically increased traffic through SEO, Milton has responded through acquisitions which include increasing presence and an ongoing financial relationship with the Groman clan. After purchasing domains from Groman, the continuing relationship allows Milton to control the editorial content Groman publishes.

Camelot's long term strategy is to increase Explore Branson's ranking with presence on more general travel related Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) and to populate the Internet with content that can directly benefit Branson businesses through direct traffic. In fact, during a presentation in Hollister today, representatives from the Branson Chamber cited traffic driven to individual Branson websites as a marker of their success.