Branson Are You Listening?

The purpose of this blog was for a number of reasons far from the massive audience revieved over the last few months. Wow...

Really, it was to start some chatter. You know, like in baseball...

hey batter batter.

However, I can understand why a site such as this would get so much traffic.

When it comes to editorial integrity, sometimes, I feel like the last man standing.

hey batter batter ....

I was reading an article the other day from the Springfield News-Leader. Are they a newspaper or just a giant advertisment for a few corporate interests?

hey batter batter.....
hey batter batter.....

I was hoping to get some work out of it. You know, something that's both honorable with a wage I can actually feed my family with. That leaves out every time share company ...and in terms of wage - I can't really work for the Herchends ...and the TIFF funds...corporate welfare for more minimum wage jobs?

hey batter batter.....
hey batter batter.....

There's a house in Rockaway Beach, smaller then the "shack" at the end of Silver Dollar City. Five people live in infant - "ain't barely got 'nough taeat" - it's so tiny at two the kid can't walk.

hey batter batter
hey batter batter

Here's the scoop from Branson's best-$25,000 laid down to eat dinner with the man. 2 million to stop a cities "immoral" choice of industry. $125 million to build an expansion over the winter. It would be nice if you could build on the East some PAC funds ...expand traffic throughout the county and a battle that will go on for years ...a county divided. In the process you could bring some hope, jobs and peace.

hey batter batter
hey batter batter

And pretty much, as long as you let an industry run your town who proves day after day a total disregard for our visitors well have no moral authority.

hey batter batter

To a certain minister, I want you to know - In China, those who don't pay debts are thrown in prison. Sometimes, beaten - even worse. Find out where the bucket is leaking. Please, there's no way out of this one. Pay the vendor - you'll save a man's life.

Hey batter batter
Hey batter batter

To the time-share salesman from bluegreen that fed a woman a concoction of Cocaine and Extasy over the New Year's Holiday - these drugs were fed to one who might not make it.

I understand that in your profession deception is both neccesary and fundamental to success. A cat and mouse game between state and federal agencies has led you to find new forms of fraud. Though your tactics change you bring one thing to our community -
Constant shame.

It's not just my community, actually, we're one of the best. It's the world today and enough to make a man drop to his knees in tears - enough to make a man pray to God. Help us Lord forgive us for what we do....